Brasil von Hohenzollern HD-1, AD, ZTP V1a, IPO 3, ZVA Ia |
Sato The Best Line HD-A, ZTP V1b, IPO 1 |
Nitro del Rio Bianco |
Dolly vom Märkischen Land | ||
Armani von Hohenzollern HD-1, ZTP V1a, AD, VPG 3, FH 2 |
Latino Lorenco von Cobra | |
Pebbles The Best Line | ||
Cortina Donsa from Fourteenth Meridian HD-1, ZTP V1a, IPO 2, SVV 1 |
Don Diego vom Harten Kern HD-1, ZTP V1b, Körung Ia, IPO 3 |
F'Hiram Abif Royal Bell |
Gräfin Draska Jimona of Mon-ja-mes |
Asara Nigre from Fourteenth Meridian HD-A, ZTP V1A, IPO 3 |
Nitro del Rio Bianco | |
Grey Asdemi di Matario |