Morticia von der Horringhauser Höh

I was born on October 28th, 2013.


My health:
HD-A, Cardio-free (May 2015, August 2016)
My sport exams:
BH, IPO 3, ZTP SG1A (18 months old)










Swiss Champion
Austrian Champion
VDH German Champion
VDH German Youth Champion
DV German Youth Champion

CAC Gütersloh/DE 2014, judge: Onstenk-Schenk - vp1 (Baby Class)
CAC Kaunitz/DE 2014, judge: Thomas Becht - vp2 (Puppy Class)
CAC Recklinghausen/DE 2014, judge: Martin Gschwindl - vp1 (Puppy Class)
CAC Gießen/DE 2014, judge: Schicker - Vg1 (Youth Class)
CAC Baiersdorf/DE 2014, judge: Martin Gschwindl - Vg2 (Youth Class)
CAC Stadland/DE 2014, judge: Hans Wiblishauser - Vg2 (Youth Class)
CACIB Hannover/DE 2014, judge: Erwin Deutscher - Vg (Youth Class)
CAC Karlsruhe/DE 2014, judge: Grüttner - Exc1 (Youth Class)
CACIB Karlsruhe/DE 2014, judge: Detlef Köhler - Vg1 (Youth Class)
CACIB Nürnberg/DE 2015, judge: Rudi Killmaier - Vg1 (Youth Class)
CACIB Graz/A 2015, judge: Blaha - Exc1, CACA, res-CACIB (Intermediate Class)
CAC Alsdorf/DE 2015, judge: Onstenk-Schenk - Exc1 (Intermediate Class)
CACIB Wieselburg/A 2015, judge: Günther Ehrenreich - Exc1, CACA (Intermediate Class)
CAC Altona/DE 2015, judge: M. Mayerhofer - Exc2 (Intermediate Class)
CAC Leverkusen/DE 2015, judge: Rudi Killmaier - Exc2 (Intermediate Class)
CACIB Klagenfurt/A 2015, judge: Reisinger - Exc1, CACA (Intermediate Class)
CACIB Klagenfurt/A 2015, judge: Eberstaller - Exc1, CACA (Intermediate Class)
CAC Essen/DE 2015, judge: Gisa Schicker - Exc1 (Open Class)
DV Siegerhauptzuchtschau/DE 2015, judge: Rudi Killmaier, Detlef Köhler - Exc3 (Intermediate Class)
Landessiegerschau Hessen in Odenbach/DE 2015, judge: Detlef Köhler - Exc1 (Intermediate Class)
CACIB Bremen/DE 2015, judge: Freddie Klindrup - Exc1 (Intermediate Class)
CAC Bremen/DE 2015, judge: Brois Radjic - Exc1, CAC, BOB (Intermediate Class)
CACIB Graz/A 2016, judge: Günter Ehrenreich - Exc1, CACA, res-CACIB (working class)
CAC Gütersloh/DE 2016, judge: Martin Geschwindl - Exc1(working class)
CACIB Lingen/DE 2016, judge: Onstenk-Schenk - Exc1, CAC, CACIB, BOS (working class)
CACIB Dortmund/DE 2016, judge: Irving - Exc1, res-CAC, res-CACIB (working class)
VDH Europasiegerschau Dortmund/DE 2016, judge: Wiblishauser - Exc1, res-CAC (working class)
CACIB Klagenfurt/A 2016, judge: Blaha - Vg (working class)
CACIB Klagenfurt/A 2016, judge: Mühle-Krinninger - Exc1, CACA, res-CACIB (working class)
CACIB Oberwart/A 2016, judge: Erwin Deutscher - Exc1, CACA, res-CACIB (champion class)
CACIB Aarau/S 2017 - Exc1, CAC (champion class)
CACIB Aarau/S 2017 - Exc1, CAC (champion class)
IHK Kreuzlingen/S 2017 - Exc1, CAC (champion class)



Brasil von Hohenzollern
HD-1, AD, ZTP V1a, IPO 3, ZVA Ia
Sato The Best Line
HD-A, ZTP V1b, IPO 1
Nitro del Rio Bianco
Dolly vom Märkischen Land
Armani von Hohenzollern
HD-1, ZTP V1a, AD, VPG 3, FH 2
Latino Lorenco von Cobra
Pebbles The Best Line
Ardens Chili
HD-1, ZTP, VPG 3
Tyson di Campovalano
HD-1, ZTP V1a, SchH 3
Gamon di Campovalano
Matisse Di Casa Balestrieri
Come as you are Jola
Ardens Gauguin
Come as you are Alabama